
Chronic Illness Support throughout California


Experiencing a chronic illness can be isolating and overwhelming. I offer weekly 50-minute phone sessions for those who would like extra support.

Sometimes leaving the house is not an option.  

I’d like you to save that precious energy. Hold onto it for what matters most.


Here are some things we might talk about during a session: 

Ways to tolerate uncertainty and sadness. 

Ways to honor who and what you value most—even with pain.

Ways to increase self-compassion on hard days.


Ways to connect with the people you love. 

Also: happy things, silly things or funny things you would like in your life.   

I'd love to hear from you.  


To My Clients, the Bravest People I Know

To My Clients,

Today’s post is for you, to thank you. 

You are the bravest people I know.

You, my client, have lost someone you love. And still, you are willing to sit in the quiet of a room with me, and with grief. 

You, who got out of bed today. I know that was a battle. We honor the sadness and gently unhook from the thoughts.

You, who feels sky-high waves of anxiety. So we practice self-compassion. You breathe with me and I am in awe of your strength. 

You, who is scared of losing her. You look at each other. It’s the bravest thing we can do. To look. 

You feel so very raw today. And yet, you opened this door. You got here. So we drink hot tea together and yes, it’s okay to cry. 

With love and gratitude,


If you're feeling the need for some extra support, you can reach me at (510) 361-0346 for a free, initial 15-minute phone session.  Or send me a message at 

What Kind of Therapist Are You?

Often people ask me this question:  What kind of therapist are you?


My mind starts thinking in lists—lists of skills. My training and experience. The kinds of clients I see.The technical stuff.   

These things are important. And yet, for a moment, I’d like to turn off the list. 

Things become quieter, calmer. 

If I really listen to myself, I would rather answer this:  What do you believe in?

Because this—this question and this answer—is how you will ultimately find your therapist match.


So, Jennifer. 


What do you believe in?


I believe it’s always okay to ask for extra support. 

I believe we will hurt, sometimes in the most raw and vulnerable ways. I believe this pain will ease—even when it appears to have set up its home. 

I believe, very fiercely, that we heal. 

I believe in science and I believe in finding meaning that science cannot explain. 

I believe in the details of someone’s life and someone’s face. 

I believe feeling understood can give us bursts of strength. And that these bursts can carry us through many, many things.

I believe in poetry and nature. I believe people do the best they can. I believe in grief, joy, fear and love. That we can hold it all. 

That we can—and do—get better.


What do you believe in?

Leave me a message here or email me at  I’d like to know.

